Note on Overseas Exam Centres for April / September examination

This is to inform all students wishing to appear for the April/September Examination from Overseas Centres (other than USA, Canada and countries with similar time zones) that overseas centres are not permanent, but created on students’ requests.

Students wishing to appear will have to inform the Institute whether any fellow member (of IAI, IFoA or any other IAA recognised Actuarial body) can take full responsibility of conducting the examination.

The details required are as under:

  1. Name of the Fellow member
  2. Membership Id
  3. His Company’s name
  4. Company’s Address
  5. His Contact details
  6. Email id
  7. Overseas Exam Centre Address


Overseas Exam Centre Requests (complete with all the above information) should reach Ms. Khushnum Rao at by 10th March 2016 1500 hours for April 2016 examination.

Any requests sent after this date will not be entertained.

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